为了鼓励并提供一个平台给全球的年轻艺术家们展示他们在视觉艺术上的创意和天赋,新西兰国际音乐家和艺术家协会将举办首届“爱与希望 - 国际绘画大赛”, 希望来自世界各地的艺术爱好者参与其中,用画笔表达对世界的关爱。
我们邀请并鼓励来自不同背景的,对艺术充满热情的所有人参加本次“爱与希望 - 国际绘画大赛”,展现自己的创造力和想象力。并与来自各地的青少年儿朋友以及成年朋友进行艺术交流,拓展自己的视野,丰富自己的履历,加强对世界关爱。
参赛者需要呈交的作品(A3大小的尺寸:29.7cm* 42.0cm), 展示以“爱与希望”: 过去三年里新冠疫情肆虐全球,我们每一个人都面对种种困难,都期待疫情结束迎接全球万物复苏的到来,为主题的观察力和想象力。
1. 组别:
2. 参赛作品必须是参赛者唯一原创作品,不得有其他人提供帮助
3. 参赛者必须在A3尺寸的纸张上创作作品(29.7cm*42.0cm)
4. 参赛者可以自由选择单一或者多种湿、干绘图材料组合,如水彩,丙烯酸或油画棒,蜡笔或彩色铅笔等等
5. 作品不得装裱,不得进行版画,拼贴
6. 参赛者可以根据指定的主题自由创作原创作品
7. 大赛主委会鼓励参赛者用丰富对的想象力创作和大胆展示优秀的绘画技巧
8. 每一位选手不限投稿数量,可以多次报名,但是每一次报名只能提交一个作品
第三步:为作品拍张照片连同说明(中文或英文不超过100字),在2023年1月29日新西兰时间23:00以前上传至[email protected],迟交的将不予以接受。
In order to encourage and provide a platform for young artists from all over the world to show their creativity and talent in the visual arts, the International Association of Musicians and Artists of New Zealand will hold the first "Love and hope - International Art Competition". We hope art lovers from all over the world will participate in the competition and express their love for the world with their brushes.
We invite and encourage everyone at any ages from different backgrounds who are passionate about art to participate in this "Love and Hope - International Art Competition" to show their creativity and imagination. And the artists from all over the art exchange, expand their horizons, enrich their experience, strengthen the care for the world.
Participants are required to submit their works (A3 size: 29.7cm* 42.0cm) that demonstrate their observation and imagination on the theme of "Love and hope". In the past 3 years, Covid has wreaked havoc on the globe. Everyone of us has been facing all kinds of difficulties. We are looking forward to the end of the epidemic and the arrival of the global recovery.
Entry Rules:
1. Categories:
Group A: aged 3-7 years
Group B: aged 8-12 years
Group C: aged 13-17 years
Group D: aged 18 years and above
2. The entries must be the only original works of the contestants, and no one else is allowed to provide help
3. Entrants must create work on A3 size paper (29.7cm*42.0cm).
4. Participants are free to choose single or multiple combinations of wet and dry drawing materials, such as watercolor, acrylic or oil sticks, crayons or colored pencils
5. The works shall not be mounted, printmaking or collage
6. Participants are free to create original works according to the designated theme
7. The Competition Committee encourages participants to create with rich imagination and display excellent painting skills
8. Contestants could enter multiple times if they have more than one art works. Please note each entry only allows one art work at a time.
9. Entries are limited to their own original works, and it is strictly prohibited to embezzle other people’s works. If there is any infringement, the creator will be responsible for legal responsibility, and has nothing to do with the organizer.
The reward will be .
10. Entries will not be returned. For the winning art works, the organizer has the right to archive, exhibit, publish, etc., and will not pay any remuneration or royalties for future use.
11. The information such as the names above the certificate of awards and the certificate of appreciation are all the information filled by the contesters. Please fill up the enrolment form carefully. If there is any error, please contact the competition organizing committee immediately.
12. The organizer has the final right of interpretation of this event. Signing up for the competition means abiding by the competition rules and the final result of the competition.
Directions for participation:
Step 1: Complete the application form and pay the fee by December 11, 2022 from now on.
Step 2: Create a piece in size A3 with the theme "Love and Hope". Work with materials such as watercolor, acrylic, oil sticks or colored pencils, wet or dry.
Step 3: Take a photo of your work together with a description (no more than 100 words in Chinese or English) and upload it to [email protected] before 23:00 NZ time January 29, 2023. Late submission will not be accepted.